Saturday, 31 October 2009

Heroes of Newerth Hero Guide by: SyyRaaaN

Informations presented for specific heroes are:

Skill builds: Just some recommended skill builds.

Item Builds: Just use these as a guide line. There are several builds for every hero and i have just presented you with a couple. These are just made for new players who have no idea to put on what hero. If the items are presented within ( these ) it means its a luxury item. Its not yet done on all heroes but will be changed aswell as the color of the luxury items.

Preferred lane: What lane does the hero prefer?

Hero type: What role the hero usually has in your team i.e. Tank, Carry, Supporter, Ganker. I'll further explain this below.

Item dependence: Is the hero good on his own or does he need gear to be useful? For instance a Pyromancer does not need alot of gear to be useful. On the other side a hero like Chronos needs alot of items to be useful.

Early game power/Lane control: Tells you if your hero is strong early game or not. Early game is usually the Laning Phase (Short early game) lvl 1-11 (Long early game). Early game phase differs from game to game and the definition is different from player to player.

Mid game power: Tells you if your hero is strong in midgame. Mid game is after the laning phase, usually lvl 9-16 now alot of ganks and pushes are going on, some towers has usually fallen.

Late game power: Tells you if your hero is strong in lategame. Usually lvl 16-25 and when the game is more centering around team pushes and people are moving around in stacks.

Farming skills: Is your hero a good farmer or not? By farming skills I mean how many creep kills your hero is able to do in an averege game. Soulstealer usually does atleast 130-200 by the 30 minute mark while Andromeda should be happy if she has 50-60 by that time.

Gank power: All heroes can gank, but some are better than others.

Hero Weakness: Self explanatory.

Hero Strength: Same

Countered By: How is the hero to be countered?

Best Allies: Tells you the heroes that has good synergy with him.

Best against: Tells you which heroes your hero-type is best against


Baby Sitter: A good laner that helps your laning partner to farm, usually a hero with a weak early game.

Ganker: A hero with a skillset that makes him good on killing heroes in early game/mid game. Runs around the map trying to kill farming heroes which is his main role. Usually hunts the other teams Carry.

Carry: A hero that carries the team to victory. Carries are heroes with a good late game skillset and good stats gain. These are usually very item dependent, should not gank and concentrate much more on farming (ofcourse you must help with defending and teampushes but your main role during early game/mid game is to farm).

Semi Carry: Is a secondary carry or a hero which has some late game potential. Usually these lose to a real carry in late game but they compensate for that with a much stronger early/mid game.

Roamer: A type of ganker that needs almost no gear and can start ganking from lvl 1-3. They put pressure on the other teams lanes so that your own team can farm better.

Supporter: A hero which supports your team in team fights. Often has good disables or heals and so on.

Initiator: A hero which starts your battles. First in, Last out. Its imperative for a initiator that he starts the team clashes, not the opponent team.

Tank: A hero with a beefy strength gain that takes damage for the team. Usually first in (sometimes before the initiator so he gets a good positioning). First in, First to die, Never backs away. Not a hero for people without a spine.

Pusher: A hero with a skillset that is good for killing creeps and sieging towers or is excellent on putting preasure on the other team while doing so.

Disabler: A hero with lengthy stuns or immobilizing skills.

Nuker: A hero with high spell damage. Chain nukers have several different nukes that can be cast in a fast pace.

Wardhoe: A hero that usually gets wards for your team for map control. Usually has a very low item dependence.

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