Attack Type=Melee
Attack Damage=45-55
Attack Range=100
Strength per level=2.5
Agility per level=1.7
Intelligence per level=1.8
Rampage points out a target to his rhino, starting a Stampede that slowly builds in speed and power until reaching the target, stunning them.
Level 1 : Charges towards target and stuns for 1 second
Level 2 : Charges towards target and stuns for 1.5 seconds
Level 3 : Charges towards target and stuns for 2 seconds
Level 4 : Charges towards target and stuns for 2.5 seconds
Mana cost 120
Cooldown 40
Stampede Effects
+10/15/20/25% Movementspeed
+10/15/20/25% Movement Speed per charge (1 every 3 seconds)
The rhino Rampage rides is a born leader, enhancing the movement of any nearby allies and giving Rampage more damage the faster he is moving.
Level 1 : 4% of Rampage’s movespeed becomes damage.
Level 2 : 6% of Rampage’s movespeed becomes damage.
Level 3 : 8% of Rampage’s movespeed becomes damage.
Level 4 : 10% of Rampage’s movespeed becomes damage.
Mana cost n/a
Cooldown n/a
There is a chance Rampage’s rhino unleashes a devastating Horned Strike when he begins an attack, doing bonus damage and pushing then enemy backwards.
Level 1 : 17% chance on attack to push 140 units over 0.95 seconds. Dealing 25 bonus Magic damage
Level 2 : 17% chance on attack to push 180 units over 0.95 seconds. Dealing 50 bonus Magic damage
Level 3 : 17% chance on attack to push 220 units over 0.95 seconds. Dealing 75 bonus Magic damage
Level 4 : 17% chance on attack to push 260 units over 0.95 seconds. Dealing 100 bonus Magic damage
Mana cost n/a
Cooldown n/a
Rampage, favored by Sol, calls upon his power to move so quickly he instantly appears next to an enemy hero of his choosing, dealing damage and pushing them back.
Level 1 : Moves rampage next to his target dealing 100 bonus Magic damage and triggering level 4 Horned Strike
Level 2 : Moves rampage next to his target dealing 200 bonus Magic damage and triggering level 4 Horned Strike
Level 3 : Moves rampage next to his target dealing 300 bonus Magic damage and triggering level 4 Horned Strike
Mana Cost 200/250/300
Cooldown 75 seconds
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