Devourer is all about synergy. Every one of his abilities helps the other, and they can all be combined into one powerful-ass combo.
 I came up from behind Scout just after he came out of invis, so I have a brief amount of time to unleash my combo before he enters stealth and escapes from my wrath.
Scout is a moving target, and so I must predict what he will do. He's already started running to the right, so I can only assume he will continue to do so. I click a small distance in front of his current position.
 I cannot stress how important this next part is.
Many heroes have some form of escape mechanism: Blink, Pseudo-Blink, Invis, or even just really high movement speed. Most of these heroes will queue up these actions the moment you hook them.
What does this mean? It mean's that you need to queue up your abilities as well! The moment you target your hook, press "Shift+R" and click on your target. This will queue up your ultimate to be used as soon as it will let you. If you hit your target, it will Devour him the moment he arrives; giving him no time to escape.
That is, if you manage to click him. The problem is that you have to actually target the enemy hero with your ult after you've already thrown out your hook. If you take even half a second too long to click him, he's going to be pulled to your position without your ultimate being queued. I can't count how many kills I've missed out on just because I couldn't ult the damn hero quick enough.

The great thing about Devour is that it still allows you to toggle Decay while you're channeling it. The moment I've started devouring scout, I toggle decay to maximize my damage.
 And there you have it. A full combo using every skill at Devourer's disposal. Scout couldn't even withstand the full duration of my ult, so I didn't even need to blindly run after him with Decay toggled on. |
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