VII. Proper Skill Usage |
This section will demonstrate how to effectively use each of Devourer's skills properly. Devourer has a large amount of utility due to the sheer amount of possible usages each skill has. To make full use of Devourer you must properly practice each of these techniques. |
Hooking Stationary Targets |
The best way to aim Devourer's hook, is to click right behind the hero you want to pull. You have a total reach of 1100 units from your current position. Something to note is that Guttling Hook will always extend to the full range; if you click 100 units in front of yourself, it will still extend another 1000 units past the point you clicked. Something you will also need to take note of is that it takes 0.3 seconds to begin launching your hook.
In the below screenshot, Nighthound has just come out of invis to finish off one of our creeps. He cannot see me, so he will no doubt sit in that same spot auto attacking until he is finished. Stationary heroes are the easiest targets to hook. |
 As you can see, Night Hound has been hooked, and is on the way to my position. What's more, is that he has lost a massive 39% of his maximum HP.
Predicting Actions and Movements |
The farther ahead you can predict what will happen, the easier it will be to get your opponent to do exactly what you want them to do. If you know what the enemy is thinking, you'll be able to kill them before they even know what happened. Predicting actions isn't always that easy. Rarely do people think in the exact same way as another person. It's even more difficult if you play with varied skill opponents. I've actually missed a lot of my hooks because I was playing with noobier players, and they didn't act as I thought they would. |

In the above screenshot, I'm running to a position where I can hook Accursed into my tower. Accursed thinks he is safe because there is a creep blocking the "Hook Line" between us, and he's right.
I was looking for an opportunity to catch Accursed off guard. In an effort to do so, I've been trying to predict every action he will take within the lane. He has been denying whenever possible, so it's obvious what he's about to do. That is why I ran to my current position. I know that he is going to deny that creep. Even if he doesn't, the tower will kill it anyways. The moment that creep dies the hook line will be clear. If I wait for the creep to die before I hook though, accursed will move away.
The trick is to make make sure your hook is on the way to your target before the creep dies. If you time it right, the creep will die during its' travel time. This will allow you to hit your target hero before they realize they're in danger. |
 This is where your Decay chasing skills come to play. The tower hit him once, the hook took out a good deal of health, and I must now chase him with decay until he is dead. Decay slows them by 20%. This will usually give you enough time to run in front of the hero and melee attack him. Especially during early game when most heroes don't even have boots yet. If I start running the moment I attack Accursed, he won't be able to get out of my range of decay. Decay slows for 2 seconds after a target leaves your AoE, so even if he does manage to slip by during my auto attacks, I will still be able to catch up to him.
 As predicted, he denied the creep, and my hook went off just in time. He will soon be in range of my tower, and I will have plenty of time to chase him for the bloodlust kill.
 This is where your Decay chasing skills come to play. The tower hit him once, the hook took out a good deal of health, and I must now chase him with decay until he is dead. Decay slows them by 20%. This will usually give you enough time to run in front of the hero and melee attack him. Especially during early game when most heroes don't even have boots yet. If I start running the moment I attack Accursed, he won't be able to get out of my range of decay. Decay slows for 2 seconds after a target leaves your AoE, so even if he does manage to slip by during my auto attacks, I will still be able to catch up to him.
 I was able to melee attack him 4 times during the entire chase.
Even with his shield, he wasn't able to withstand my massive amount of damage. 50 Magic damage per second with a 20% slow is a big deal. Melee attacking whenever possible will boost the amount of damage you output by a decent amount. It helps to only melee attack them when you are right in front of them. This will cause them to stop for a moment, followed by them running around you. You just have to make sure they don't get too far away from your decay radius while you're busy whacking them. Speaking of;
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